Things you can do to celebrate ITW

The Big Week is here! Are you wondering how to celebrate? Let’s spark your imagination…

If you play the trombone, celebrate International Trombone Week by getting out and playing it!

If you don’t play the trombone (yet), we have ideas for you, too:

  1. Create a spontaneous trombone performance in the middle of town. How about a Bourbon Street Parade?
  2. Play some lovely tunes for an appreciative audience at your local retirement home. Bones of Cincinnatus does this nearly every year!
  3. Offer to teach a friend how to play the Bb Blues on the trombone, and then walk together to play it for someone who needs to hear it
  4. Support local student trombone players by attending a school concert
  5. Visit your town library and read a book aloud during story hour; here’s a perfect suggestion.
  6. Share a video of you playing your favorite Bordogni etude
  7. Finally realize your wild dream of learning to play the trombone and get a friend to learn along with you
  8. Gather some people for supportive coaching and then head out to march around in a grocery store
  9. Propose a trombone segment for your favorite radio station. If they need a suggestion, start them off with Carl Fontana and Frank Rosolino
  10. Play a few hyms at church, or march around playing chorales in wee hours
  11. Stream your amazing trombone choir concert so the entire world can enjoy it
  12. Discover a long-lost trombone while cleaning out your attic and donate it
  13. Learn about proper Baroque/Rococo style trills on the alto trombone
  14. Paint a still-life of your sackbut (yes, we said that)
  15. Offer a video class for young trombone students like the very first video masterclass *ever* which happened to be during Trombone Week in 2003!
  16. Learn to play a chant on a serpent
  17. Improve your flexibility thanks to Nick Finzer’s pedal tone major scale
  18. Decorate your trombone with bright paint and neon lights for a great conversation-starter at the formal orchestra concert
  19. Make magic happen by supporting a street trombone player
  20. Create an outstanding Trombone Day like the one in Greensboro and the one in Calgary and the one in Des Moines and the one in Tallahassee and the one in Detroit and the one in …?
  21. Post action photos of your trombone mutes
  22. Attend a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and offer to have your trombone’s picture taken
  23. Throw a trombone listening party for your neighborhood
  24. Demonstrate how you build fabulous bass trombones
  25. Play long tones in the park on Monday, lip slurs in the forest on Tuesday, and new music in the city on Wednesday
  26. Interview a local trombonist–on cable TV, or write up what you learn for your town paper
  27. Perform with an activist band for a cause you believe in
  28. Perform Chopin’s Minute Waltz on a hoverboard
  29. Conductors: Ask your trombone section to stand and receive a round of wild applause just because
  30. Invite a master trombonist to work with your band
  31. Give your trombone a proper cleaning using Mike Corrigan’s instructions. Then take it for a ride around town (we’re just kidding; don’t do that)
  32. Commission and/or premiere a new work for trombone
  33. Print some trombone stickers and pass them around at that office meeting that needs perking up
  34. Thank someone for playing the trombone (or encouraging you to)
  35. Read up on the trombone’s history and tell everyone about it during yoga class
  36. Listen to the sounds of beautiful trombone choirs like the ones at University of Texas at Austin and Arizona State University
  37. Play a magnificent arrangement of a familiar tune before a sporting event
  38. Get out your magnifying glass and examine a previous ITW map
  39. Compose or arrange a piece for others to play during ITW
  40. Learn about an interesting trombone player and give a talk about them
  41. Bake something delicious and decorate it with TromboneWeek’s logo to share with a friend
  42. Create and share an informational flyer about International Trombone Week
  43. Serenade some cows
  44. No matter where you go on your trombone Journey, don’t stop believin’
  45. What are we missing?

Enough reading. What will you do?